CPT Anesthesia Code List
00100–00222 Head
00100 Anesthesia for procedures on salivary
glands, including biopsy
00102 Anesthesia for procedures on plastic
repair of cleft lip
Coding Tip
Do not use code 00102 for procedures performed on
the lip for conditions other than repair of cleft lip. For
other, non-cleft lip repairs, see code 00300.
For cleft palate repairs, see 00172.
00103 Anesthesia for reconstructive procedures
of eyelid (eg, blepharoplasty, ptosis
00104 Anesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy
Coding Tip
Code 00104 may be denied when multiple electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is provided. ECT (CPT code 90871) is a noncovered service by Medicare. Therefore, when anesthesia is performed for this reason, it will be denied as such.
00120 Anesthesia for procedures on external, middle, and inner ear including biopsy; not otherwise specified
00124 otoscopy
00126 tympanotomy
Coding Tip
Codes 00120–00126 each identify a unilateral service. If the surgeon performs bilateral surgical services, use modifier 50 (bilateral procedure).
00140 Anesthesia for procedures on eye; not otherwise specified
00142 lens surgery
00144 corneal transplant
Coding Tip
Codes 00140–00144 each identify a unilateral service. If the surgeon performs bilateral surgical services, use modifier 50 (bilateral procedure).
00145 Anesthesia for procedures on eye; vitreoretinal surgery
Coding Tip
Code 00145 is for a unilateral service. If the surgeon performs bilateral surgical services, use modifier 50 (bilateral procedure).
This code is appropriate to use on any vitreoretinal procedures requiring the same anesthetic management.
00160 Anesthesia for procedures on nose and accessory sinuses; not otherwise specified
00162 radical surgery
00164 biopsy, soft tissue
00170 Anesthesia for intraoral procedures, including biopsy; not otherwise specified
Coding Tip:
Diagnosis coding is important to substantiate coverage of code 00170.
Anesthesia provided in connection with the care, treatment, filling, removal, or replacement of teeth or structures directly supporting the teeth is
noncovered by Medicare.
J codes J0120–J9999 Drugs Administered Including Oral and Chemotherapy Drugs
K codes K0001–K9999 Durable Medical Equipment Prosthetics, Orthotics, Supplies and Dressings (DMEPOS)
L codes L0100–L9999 Orthotic and Prosthetic Procedures, Devices
M codes M0064–M9999 Medical Services
P codes P2028–P9999 Pathology and Laboratory Services
Q codes Q0035–Q9999 Miscellaneous Services
(Temporary Codes)
R codes R0070–R9999 Radiology Services
T codes T1000–T9999 Medical Services
S codes S0009–S9999 Commercial Payers (Temporary
V codes V2020–V9999 Vision, Hearing and Speech-
Language Pathology Services